Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Day 12 & 13: Pancakes at last!!

Finally made the paleo pancakes today; day 13. They were ok, but not great! But hey, I'll take what I can get!

I got the recipe from PaleOMG.com (love the name) and it took a bit of tweaking to get right. The batter was really thick, so I had to thin it out with coconut milk. Then the pancakes weren't quite sweet enough, so I added some coconut palm sugar. They ended up a good consistency, but they still didn't taste quite right. In order to fully cook them, I had to kind of burn them. And in the past I've been a fan of burnt toast and such, but it doesn't really work with pancakes, lol. So I ate about 4 of them and threw the rest away.

Again, what a waste!

I need to just stick to eating clean and "raw" and stop trying to bake! Because it hasn't worked out at all so far, lol.

I'm going to try to eat more fish, since I haven't had virtually any since starting this diet. Salmon, here I come!

Nighty night!


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